Sugar Cookies with my Sugar Babies


Sugar cookies are my all time favorite cookie! The Great American Cookie Company has some wonderful ones but since I never get to the mall anymore I’ll settle for these. And if you only bake them for 5-7 minutes they are oh so good! I think timing is the key with sugar cookies. This year we got a couple new cookie cutters, a train for Sawyer and a mason jar because why not! I’m not the best at icing them but we do our best, the boys and me. My mom usually comes to help us decorate and we have a great little tradition and memories that I’m sure will continue on with Baby C. We decorate and listen to Christmas music and then eat our final product and wish we hadn’t put so many sprinkles on top. But that’s the fun of it all. I am simple with my cookies and just use Betty Crocker’s pre-made mix. I do make the icing glaze from a simple confectioner sugar and milk recipe that I got from Pinterest. It’s tasty, easy, hardens so icing doesn’t get everywhere and easily holds our sprinkles! Perfect! We had a lot of fun making these but eating them was more fun! Haha Sawyer helped with the baking since Jackson was in school the day before we decorated them and we were ready the next day when my mom came. I feel like preplanning and preparation is so necessary when it comes to crafts and baking with kids. They just want to get to the fun part anyway. Alright I have included some pics of our fun and our finished products! And there are a few of my husband and his creepy photo bombs while we are showing off our cookies together. What a weirdo right...haha ...Enjoy! 

Only 4 days til Christmas!
Yall have a great day.
Love Heather
