Dressed to the Nines and Home by Nine

Round two of our dressy downtown Christmas parties this year was a success! Aaron’s work party was at the Westin, the old Blue Cross building, that’s been renovated. It’s really nice inside with an upscale feel and a rooftop bar. It was a great party and we had a fun time with our friends but all fun must come to an end when newborns come calling. Caroline isn’t taking to a bottle very well at the moment which isn’t the best timing since I am going back to work in 3 weeks. I am trying to relish every little moment home with her and Sawyer right now! They are both in such sweet stages and he is extra sweet to her making my mommy heart explode daily! It’s gonna be rough in a couple of weeks. So back to the party...we had to jet home to feed her and relieve the gracious and exhausted grands who kept all three kids. The night was some relief from the everyday routine but we aren’t the partying kind anymore and late nights to us are like 11PM... So we left the party by 9 and were ready to get our heathens in the bed and get our jammies on for a lounge fest on the couch! I know we couldn’t be any more exciting! But that’s parent life...at least at this stage in our kids lives. And you don’t ever get tired of coming home to that sweet baby face of a newborn girl who thought you might have left her for good... Nope, No way, No how!  This is my favorite look for Aaron. He should have been born in a much different time than he was so this vest and hat are perfect for him.. both from Fossil. And I love cream and gold anytime but especially at Christmas! This is an old dress but the pearl cardigan and red heels are linked above! The pearls on the sleeves are hard to see but they are so cute! Outfit details are in the links above. 
It’s exactly a week until Christmas guys! Who is excited?!?! Better finish up your
last minute lists! I’ll talk to y’all tomorrow with more Christmas fun to share. 
Love Heather
