Our Sweet Southern Belle is 1 Month Old

It's finally Friday people! What are your weekend plans?

Our little southern belle is one month old this week. It's hard to believe she has already been with us that long. Heck it's still hard to believe she is a girl. The boys think she is so sweet and they are both so gentle with her, which surprised me, since Sawyer is such a mack truck with most people and things he comes into contact with. We are still learning this three kid thing. Some moments with them I want to sear into my memory and not let time keep moving on and others I want to fast forward for fear if we stay there too long somebody's gonna get hurt. Caroline doesn't like to be still. She likes to be on the move. Always wanting to sit up and see what's going on. She has held her head up from day one wanting to look at everything. We think her eyes are turning blue and her hair is strawberry blonde. We'll see what sticks pretty soon. I know with babies those things can change later on. She is a dream at night. Sleeping most nights and only waking up once around 4 AM. She is a great eater and packing on the lbs. We are so thankful for a happy, healthy baby and we keep praising God and praying for continued blessings on our family. 

These pictures show off her cute little self in a dress and diaper cover from Carters. The flower garland is from an Etsy shop called Snuggle Bugs Bowtique  and can be used on all sorts of things. They have such cute things and this won't be the last time I shop with them. I am going to keep this garland draped across the top of the curtains in her room when I'm not using it to show off her monthly milestones. And I'm sure we'll use it again for some of her birthday party decor. I have listed the link for you to check out above. That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Get out and enjoy this great weather, some fall festivities and time with your loved ones! 
Talk to y'all soon.
Love Heather
