Bonfires, S'mores and Candy Apples

S'more Please! 
My girl all bundled up!

And no fun night is complete without glow sticks. I think I keep my local Dollar Store in business with my glow stick purchases alone...
The kids loved this apple dipping treat however they ate half the candy before we got started. So make sure you get enough to go around. 

Our finished product.
A little Curious George Boo Fest to round out our October evenings haha.

Hello friends,

I hope you all had a great weekend! We went to a local pumpkin farm this last weekend and I will share those pics and more with you this week. But first we have been getting into the Autumn spirit with some s'mores and other yummy treats this month. We love bonfires around here. But who doesn't... So Grab your flannels and a cup of hot cider and check out the fun we've been having. 

These kids have to have different things to do other than watch Netflix all day, not to say they don't do that as well. But something different thrown in there keeps us all from going crazy. So as long as I can keep coming up with fun crafts and family nights to keep them from tearing the house apart or fighting to the death we might just make it out alive while raising 3 kids. Maybe not... but time will tell. 

 I should have more tomorrow if I can steal some time away from the day! 

Talk to y'all soon! 
Love Heather 
