31 weeks and Emotional doesn't even cover it!

Loft Linen Jacket, pregnancy wardrobe, 31 weeks pregnant

Grey Linen Jacket  Also as we took these pics I stepped in an unassuming ant hill. Go me! 

Hello friends and happy Wednesday! I cannot believe July is almost over! I have an upcoming first grader. We are currently shopping for school supplies, trying to jam in as many last minute summer activities and stay up late after bed time nights as we can because we can feel the lazy summer days coming to a screeching halt very soon! I am trying to wrap my head around having a 6 year old, 3 year old and soon to be newborn baby all at the same time. I am just gonna say it… I’m an emotional basket case! I cry at the drop of a hat and worry about everything that I cannot control! One of my latest cry-fests happened at our Sunday dinner at Aaron’s aunt’s house, where his cousin’s wife, one of my best friends, made a super yummy dessert and was talking it up and I was nodding along with her enthusiasm even though on the inside I knew I couldn’t eat any of this delightful goodness she was so cheerful about due to having once again failed my glucose test and having been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I see this turn of events as my body turning against me! It obviously wants me to starve and never be happy with anything I put into my mouth ever again! So I will continue to eat salads, grilled chicken with a side of air, while keeping a food journal and sticking my finger for sugar readings 4 times a day! No, I’m not bitter, not in the slightest!!! Anyway back to Sunday dinner. Mid- conversation Hannah realized that I couldn’t eat her dessert and she had been going on about how great it was going to be. She stops and says "Oh no, I am soooo sorry." It had just dawned on her. My eyes well up with tears because it’s not her fault…she shouldn’t be sorry. Her eyes then well up with tears because she feels guilty. We are both simultaneously saying we are sorry for something neither of us should even be sorry for. My husband looks at both of us like we have lost our minds and starts laughing. It’s ridiculous and hilarious looking back on it now. But in the moment my emotions get the best of me because I am temporarily crazy! Yes I know this and I know the first step is acknowledging you have a problem and I totally know it. But I still can’t help it! I was never this emotional with the boys. This is another level! I think I am carrying estrogen for two at this point. I have also cried over my hairs unwillingness to do what I want it to, my underwear not staying in place, the fact that I sweat, like every other normal person on earth, my love of Country Music and my hands going numb when I sleep, brush my teeth and drive! Prayers are welcome for my state of mind and ability to laugh at things more than I cry. I know, this too shall pass. I am chanting that in my mind at this moment. Thank ya Lord for your perfect words to live by but I am still only human with constant cravings for cake, chips & cheese dip and pina coladas...and the fact that I cannot have any of those things doesn't make my emotions any better at 8 months pregnant. Alright y'all I will stop whining and ask you to take a look at this super cute linen jacket that I practically stole from Loft last month for $25 bucks! It goes over just about any dress you want to wear. The day we took these pics felt like Fall! But I know we still have August to get through and it's armpit of hell heat will not falter, that I'm sure of. 

Talk to ya'll soon.
Love Heather
