Working Moms AKA Superheroes

Okay so last week someone at work said “You look like the epitome of a working mom with your pink dress and navy blazer today”. “You need to take a picture for the blog”. I hadn’t planned on taking pictures because it was raining and I try to take pictures outdoors on sunny, pretty days for the best results. But I thought why not…  And then I thought what is that supposed to mean, working mom… is that a compliment? But… “Thank you, none the less.” I don’t want to just look like a shabby working Mom barely making things work and struggling to make time for it all. And then I thought "Hey that’s a great title for a blog post and a great subject to talk about for us working moms". And that person's comment wasn't a slight at all. Instead it's like a salute to all of those women that make the sacrifice and do what is needed to make their family and households work every day! Wearing 10 hats is not easy and my husband constantly reminds me of this and tells me to slow down. Thank you Babe! And this post is not meant to put down stay at home moms either because both jobs take everything we have and have their own different set of challenges. If I had it my way I would live on a farm and take care of my family 24-7, minus some girl time now and then, but alas life calls and it doesn’t always turn out exactly like you planned or think it should. But I know a working Mom’s life inside and out. It’s like a precise balancing act that requires a lot of thinking ahead and role changes all throughout the day in order to make it to your comfy clothes and bed at end of the night. And then you have just enough time to scroll through your next day plans and to do lists in your mind, or on your phone, before falling asleep saying your prayers. And I haven’t made it through this phase of life yet but ladies I’m pretty sure this goes on until they are 18 and then we just spend our time worrying about how much we let them down or we didn’t teach them enough for the real world… All I do know is that this precious time is flying by and I am doing my best to not kill them, harm them or ruin them while I have them under my roof. You know what I mean ladies! So the next time someone says you look like a working mom... I am going to take my compliment and smile ear to ear knowing we really are super heroes for this wonderful job we are doing!  

Talk to ya soon.
Love Heather


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