A Little Lace and Easy Sundays...

This lace overlay I found at a little boutique in Ringgold that I have mentioned before, Southern Charm. I love the vintage feel and I can wear it during and after pregnancy over pretty much anything. I saw it and fell in love! It's very lightweight and let's your skin breath. 

 My sweet hand crafted Mother's Day treasures. 

Me and Mom. 

All the Mothers we celebrated with on Mother's Day.

My Mother’s day wasn’t filled with gifts but lots of sweet memories with my family. Both mine and Aaron’s families celebrated together at a cookout at his aunt’s house. The weather was beautiful and it was a relaxing time to sit and enjoy everyone. These are the type of Sundays we get a lot of here in the south. It brings to mind the Shenandoah song "Sunday in the South." Check that one out and take a Sunday to relax! Ahh... good feels all around. 
The kids made a few crafts at school the week before which I proudly displayed on our kitchen table and Aaron and the boys got up and made coffee and muffins for us all to enjoy for breakfast. I never sleep in but that day they let me. I really didn’t sleep though, more like laid in the bed just enjoying the sound of my boy’s laughter in the living room and kitchen as they played with their Dad. I listened and thought about how much we have grown as a family and how much our family is changing. God has given us no more than most but realizing what a gift our lives are is the key, I think. We aren’t guaranteed anything in this life so to see the love in our boys and ourselves and how complex and pure it is, is a gift...plain and simple! Honoring our Moms is a blessing as well. Spending quality time with them isn’t always possible but making a point to acknowledge them and their efforts means so much! We love you Mia/Yaya(Tammy)and Mimi(Tonya)! You are the heart of our families! Don't forget it! 

Alright friends, ya'll have a great weekend. 
Talk to ya soon.
Love Heather
