Our Christmas Card Tradition

I finally got our Christmas cards mailed out this week! Better later than never right? And I’m pretty sure it’s not the proper thing to mail birth announcements, Christmas cards and shower thank you cards all in the same envelope but I did so don’t judge me for it! Hey I killed 3 birds with one stone and saved money while doing it! That’s my idea of saving time, energy and money. I need more of those kind of ideas around this time of year! And yes my address book is as old as the hills I know... kind of sad but its got what I need in it and if it ain't broke don't fix it...haha. 
Shutterfly was my go to on this because they always have great deals and I have been using their app the last few years which automatically uploads all my pictures to their site so they are backed up and I have all my pics in one place when it comes time to order prints and Christmas presents! They had me at automatically and easy. Just sayin! So I ordered prints for our family, Christmas cards and Caroline’s birth announcement, which yes I’m just getting around to ordering! Late again I know. I also know that a lot of people don’t send Christmas cards or birth announcements anymore which is sad to me. I love getting cards from people in the mail. It’s a nod to a tradition from years ago that we are all slowly going away from. Who wants to spend time and money to send something that they can just upload to social media, text or email. I get that...But as long as I can send them I will. It’s my way of trying to keep that tradition alive in my family for as long possible. Not all things of Old must be done away with just because technology came along to replace it. That’s my opinion anyways. So send em if you can because your great aunt Betty and grandparents will love them I promise! And you will get a sense of joy from it too. Just another way to spread Christmas cheer! 

Alright just #6daystilchristmas folks! And Carolines first! Eek... so excited! I know I am like a kid! 

Love Heather 
