Do you ever breakdown and have a pity party in one moment and then praise God for all you have in the next? Like what’s wrong with me? That’s what almost every day of my last week has been like. And it’s becoming more and more common for me. It’s like I have multiple personalities... it’s just that I don’t know how to control my emotions. I’m more like my 6 year old... crying at the drop of a hat, than an almost 34 (that number just doesn’t seem real) year old women. I’m kind of like a psycho path some days. My husband asks me frequently if I’m going to be alright. It’s just that I am constantly second guessing if I’m doing it all right and well enough for my family. There’s no manual or guide book?... is what I keep thinking when in all actuality there is. The Good Book... the Bible... it’s there for us to run to and find solace. Why do I not think it can give me the answers I need. Why do I look elsewhere first before I inevitably look to Him. We always think we can do it on our own. And I never can. I always end up coming to my witts end and then sobbing to God in prayer. I am a very thankful person but I still get overwhelmed by the day to day stresses of life. I think it’s like a cycle and God’s way of showing us that He is the only thing that’s gonna make the difference in the end. We are never going to feel completely peaceful and confident in all of the messes this life throws at us but we can always come to Him for answers and grace and if we did so before we got so frustrated our minds would be a lot more at peace even when things don’t turn out the way we want and plan. I have got to remember this every day because life isn’t getting any less stressful or any easier from this point on. And I need to remember my faith and his wisdom makes the difference. I’m learning everyday that looking at things with more logic and less emotion keeps my eyes from being puffy on the daily. We are all just His works in progress but we cannot progress without Him. Staying grateful and thankful to God should be so easy with the life most of us lead. We just have to stop letting our imaginations and worry run away with us and cut ourselves some slack. I know I don’t have this all figured out but I know He does! I hope you all know that as well!
Also pictured above is the last of my fall front porch decorations before the Christmas decor comes out to play! My poncho is from Loft where they have a few different styles and colors of ponchos, wraps and kimonos right now. Check them out! My husband likes to make fun of the things I wear because he is a grumpster and he likes to mess with me. So he has been calling me Clint as in Clint Eastwood when I wear a poncho... He thinks he is funny..
I hope y’all have a great Thanksgiving week and God bless!
Talk to ya'll soon.
Love Heather
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