Almost every week for the past 6 years I have gotten photos from my son's daycare where they is smiling and having the best time learning and growing. The ladies that work there are loving and committed to helping teach and raise our children while we are away. When you drive past their school on the weekends and they scream from the back seat, "Thats my school", so fondly or when you pick them up and they don't want to leave or you are off on a weekday and you give them the choice to go to school or stay home with you and they choose school, there you have it... They love it. It warms your heart but then there's also that little sting from the snub you were just dealt... that's when you know they are doing something right at this place. Nowhere is going to be perfect and you will always find things you would do differently if you were in their shoes. But you aren't doing their jobs and they are taking care of things we don't even think about on a daily basis, when it comes to taking care of a class full of kids. Things that come along with the mostly thankless job, on my days, of daycare teachers and caregivers. If the smile on my son's face doesn't say it all then I don't know what does...He is so happy to be an Applybrook kid! And his parents are truly thankful!
The month of Thanksgiving is coming up in less than a week now and this is one of the most important things on my list. That and the means to pay for it! haha... If your kids go to a mothers day out or a daycare even a few days a week take a quick minute and tell them thank you for their work with your kids. I promise it will be appreciated!
Happy Friday
Love Heather
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