It's been right at 2 weeks since I have posted anything here on the blog. It's been a busy time for us trying to adjust to life with three kids and a newborn's crazy schedule. We have found ourselves trying to make sure the boys lives don't change much and they aren't affected by the change of a new little one as much as we are. And we are, as expected, a little sleep deprived but it's worth that sweet face and those baby grunts and coos we get to see, hear and take care of every day. This little one is a joy and we have been smitten since she came into our world. We think she looks a lot like both of our boys but her features change every day so it's hard to tell just who she will end up looking like. And Aaron is in love...he melted my heart when he and the boys were playing catch in the yard. He picked up all three of their gloves and put them largest to smallest inside of each other and then said, "Now all we need is a little pink glove on top." My heart said an automatic aww... And when she is laying in her bassinet sleeping he states how beautiful he thinks she is. Its a side of him I haven't seen and I love it. He has two weeks off with me and I am so thankful. Frankly I am a little nervous for when he goes back to work and how stir crazy I may become there after. Just having another adult to talk to in the house is nice.
The first few days I tried to put salt in my coffee and put our peanut butter into the fridge. Looks like I am going to have a lot of air-dried hair looks in my future and my daily lounging clothes are tending to stay on for a little longer than should be consecutively worn. I know all this comes with the territory but I am trying to break those tendencies quickly because I hate just sitting around. It's just not in my personality. So staying home all day I end up cleaning, thinking about home renovations and what yummy fall recipes I can make.
Sawyer is calling her a He, my guess is because we don't use the pronoun She around our house very much, until now! And I can't say I haven't done the same, calling her He and Baby Boy... I catch myself and then laugh at how no matter how much pink there is around here, and there is a lot of it, I'm still so used to only having boys. I am loving taking care of a baby girl though. Just being able to stare at her for as long as I want with no time constraints, praying over her, day dreaming for her, just loving her. I am still crying over things that I am sure I'll look back and roll my eyes at later. These hormones for two haven't left me yet. All in all we think she is a keeper though. haha...
Well I hope to be back on here to share more shortly. Happy Hump Day!
Talk to ya'll soon.
Love Heather
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