Happy Thursday! So I have a short post today…basically about
how my pre-pregnancy clothes are not going to last too much longer. But that doesn't mean I am not gonna try to squeeze into them as long as I can...Haha
This navy
dress from Old Navy I got a few years ago and it's one of my favs because it will go
with any jewelry and is so easy to just throw on in a pinch or on one of those
inevitable days where you feel like you have nothing to wear. And we all go
through those days where no matter how much you have packed into your closet
there is nothing that fits right, looks right or feels right! Am I right?!? And I thought I needed a summer pop of color with navy to go along with my
popping bump. I feel like navy is a great staple for any closet because you can do so much with it! So I have some different options for navy dresses linked here. Check them all out. Any of them would be a great addition to your wardrobe. P.S. That black thing on my dress is my work key fob and I forgot to take it off... You can't win em all....Or at least I can't with this pregnancy brain!
Ya'll have a great weekend!
Love Heather!
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